Monday, August 29, 2011

Right place, right time.

Hi! Happy Monday!

So, today the boys & I went to pick up my mom to go do some shopping. However, I looked at the time and saw it was time for the babies to eat lunch. We went into my moms house and I fed them. After lunch we left (A half hour later then planned..) As we were driving out of my moms community I saw a dog on leash. No person though. A couple feet away was a man lying on the ground. He was shaking and jerking. He was having a seizure. I immediately stopped the car and got my cell phone out and called 911. I ran over to the guy.. (And I got his dogs leash, so he didn't run away.) I got on the ground next to the guy and sat with him. I was talking to him and trying to keep him awake because by now he was not seizing but just gasping to breathe. So by now a couple other neighbors came over and one of them knew him. (Kinda..) She said his name was Jody and she left to go get her kid (to come get the dog.) and Jodys cousin. The EMT's arrived. (Felt like FOREVER!) Jody was still out of it when they came. He had a big bump on his head and was bleeding. His arm looked awkward and bruised as well. I'm so sad for him. I just pray that he will be okay. So, please join me in saying a prayer for this man. Jody. I was so glad to have been there when I was. Who knows how long he was lying there before someone finally saw him.

In other blurbs.

Today is my husbands 30th birthday! Happy Birthday, husband. I baked him some cupcakes. We aren't actually celebrating til next weekend though. I'll make a post after we celebrate to tell all about it! Here's what he saw when he woke up from his nap.

Yesterday, my friend, Nancy, got MARRIED! See?

 Mr.& Mrs. Grabinski
 Before the wedding @ my moms. The boys weren't going.
Hubs and I!

Before the wedding though- there was a bachelorette party! It was a ton of fun! I was able to get out of the house for a night and have some girl time. My mom kept the boys for me. We went to a bar near my house called The Diamondback Saloon. It's more or less a country bar that plays all types of music for some of the time. We danced! We laughed! We had a blast. Here are some pics!

Other then that, things around here have been pretty calm & normal. Tomorrow, my husband and I will be married for 3 years.

Until then,


cristal said...

hey cheryl tell nancy i said im happy she found someone that makes her happy hope they have a nice long life together and you squirt and them boys make such a cute family and thank god you where there and found that poor man have a good night lots of love from r family to yours

Cheryl said...

Thanks Cris!

I miss you!!

Nancy usually reads my blog & comments so I'm sure she will see this.