Friday, March 19, 2010

25 weeks

Today is 25 weeks! I have no ultrasound pics because I don't have another one til Thursday... but I feel the babies move so much now! I love it. Sometimes at night when they are tossing and turning I just hold my belly and SMILE! I love the feeling. I know at some point it will prolly hurt when they get bigger but I don't care. I will say though that it is getting SO hard to do normal every day things. I don't have the energy to do much and my body is just getting so achy. Some people don't understand how hard it is to carry babies but I don't care. I just go about my day. :)
Work is harder and harder too. I am hoping to work through the rest of April but we will see what the doctor says. On another note... we have already received SO many awesome gifts from people. The other day we came home from work and on our porch was a HUGE box. My best friend Caitlin and her family went in together and bought us a double stroller. :) Our family friends Jeff & Lisa drove from Chicago to bring us a BEAUTIFUL crib! My mother in law bought us two car seats. My sister in law and her husband bought us 2 swings and 2 bouncers. My friend Candice just bought us another crib! My aunt Debbie has sent the boys a ton of clothes. My cousin Kim sent a bottle rack and First Aid kit. My cousin Heather sent swings, a bouncer, and is giving my mom and dad a car seat. Wow. I know that I didn't have to write down everything that we've gotten so far but I like to give credit where credit is due. Plus I like to say how blessed we are to have such great family and friends around us. Our boys are already so loved! The shower is in 9 days. I can't wait. It's going to be fun!
Tomorrow Leon and I are going on a date. We need a night out together. He has been working so much to make sure we are ready for the babies and because I don't get paid when I am off work. He's such a good husband and daddy. I love him.



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